Our unique approach

At gecco we go beyond providing advice; we embed ethical integrity at the heart of your research endeavors, whether in academia or industry. Our unique interdisciplinary approach combines personalized consultations with the insights of a highly selected network of international experts to offer solutions tailored to the specific needs of your field or project. We also provide ongoing support and training to foster a culture of ethical excellence within your organization.

Trust gecco to ensure that your research not only meets compliance with the law but also upholds the highest ethical standards. Trust gecco to safeguard the integrity and credibility of your research from inception and design to implementation.

Our unique approach

Our vision

gecco backs research groups including those in industry to address questions concerning ethics and regulatory issues. The members of our network can support your institution and enterprise.
gecco provides external and internal consulting and will assist in establishing organisational procedures for ethical and appropriate regulatory processes.

Our vision


Our services are designed to help researchers and administrators either from academia or industry to navigate the complex ethical landscape of modern research, ensuring that all activities are conducted with the highest level of integrity and in accordance with global ethical standards.

  1. Ethics Advisory Support

Expert Consultation: Access to a dedicated team of ethics experts who provide personalized advice and support on a wide range of ethical issues in research.

Ethical Decision-Making Support: Assistance with making ethical decisions, from study design to publication, ensuring that all research activities align with best practices and ethical guidelines.

Real-Time Guidance: Immediate access to ethical advice during critical phases of research projects, helping to resolve dilemmas and address potential issues promptly.

Continuous Monitoring and Reporting, compliance Updates: Implementation of systems for ongoing monitoring of research compliance and regular reporting requirements, as well as regular updates on changes in applicable legislation and ethical standards globally, ensuring that your organisation remains compliant with the latest requirements.

Ethics Advisory Board:  Support to establish ad hoc Ethics Advisory Boards together with training, policy development, and case reviews to enhance their effectiveness and efficiency.

  1. Training and Education

Research Ethics Program development and implementation tailored to your organization’s needs.

Customized Research Ethics programs/seminars for employees and management on ethical practices and compliance requirements in SMEs and corporate companies with R&D activities.

Research Ethics Training programs/seminars for university researchers, faculty, and students on ethical research practices and compliance requirements in research projects.

Ethical Leadership Programs to cultivate ethical leadership skills among research leaders and principal investigators.

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