
Deivid Rumiancev

Junior Expert

Personal Profile

Deivid has a B.Sc. in Biophysics and currently pursuing a Msc in Bioinformatics at Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland.

He has gained experience in several jobs like junior inspector at Vilnius airport aviation security dep., translation of documents for a law firm in Cracow and Riga, hotel receptionist at 3-star hotel in Vilnius and export specialist in a food suplements company Oshee. At the moment he is working in a small company with wastewater treatment plants and mold identification “Biospekt”. Also, he actively participating in bioinformatics science-club “In Silico”, mainly to help students learn skill that are ouside of a basic bioinformatics degree of education and keep finances at check.

Throughout the years in university with addition of work-gained-experience, he has developed intrapersonal and public presenting skills.


Msc student @ Jagiellonian University
Sampling laboratory technician @ Biospekt
Treasurer @ the bioinformatics science club “In Silico”

Areas of expertise

  • Environmetal protection
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Social injustice in concern of biotechnological companies and governmental corruption
  • Business ethics