
Gregor Becker


PhD, MSc

Personal Profile

Greg Becker is the head of the group for bio-ethics in life sciences at the Faculty of Biotechnology of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland that was founded in 2007.

The model Greg has invented and established at academia is named Integrated Bio-ethics. It deals with competence development of scientists, researchers and managers in ethics.

The main goal of Integrated Bio-Ethics is to make future and current stakeholders in science and technology capable of managing ethical implications of their work and projects.

For the last decade, Greg has been an Ethics Expert to the European Commission, and hence, he has evaluated numerous science&technology projects in ethics screenings.

As a freelanced strategy advisor Greg has worked for clients in the life science-, hospital- and energy sector. The priorities in this work are ethics, compliance, and corporate governance structures.

Greg has published numerous books and articles on ethics in technology science, and medicine.


Senior Lecturer @ Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Ethics Expert @ European Commission
Freelance strategy advisor, organizational developer
Author of several books and scientific publications on science, technology, medicine, and ethics

Areas of expertise

  • Ethics and its management in life sciences and technology
  • Ethical and strategical implications of Intellectual Property in science and technology
  • Compliance & Corporate Governance and their strategical communication and PR