
Robert Gianni



Personal Profile

Robert is a philosopher of technology and expert of ethics of disruptive innovations. Before being appointed at Maastricht University, Robert has worked at Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, Université de Namur, Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (SciencesPo Paris).
He has served for several years as ethics and scientific expert for national funding agencies and the European Commission and has worked at the forefront of the regulation of AI, human enhancement and robotics.
Robert has worked on several national and European projects addressing the challenges posed by disruptive technologies.
His work targets new holistic ways to softly regulate emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (RRI, ethics-by design, ELSA).
Robert is currently engaged with projects designing new ways to address great societal challenges (poverty)


Assistant Professor of Philosophy @ Maastricht University, Netherlands
Ethics Expert @ European Commissionn

Areas of expertise

  • Ethics of AI
  • Responsible Research and Innovation
  • Ethical Legal Societal Aspects
  • Ethics-by-design
  • Ethics of Robots
  • Ethics for public organizations
  • Ethical Legal Societal Aspects
  • Democratization of Science & Technology